There is no alternative to living an orderly life
There is no substitute for living a healthy and orderly life without medicine. Eating according to the rules, controlling food, drinking water properly, exercising, if you combine these, life will be safe.
Exercise every day and lift weights. You can walk or run according to the rules. In this case, high-intensity interval training is very effective.
It only takes 18 minutes to complete but its effectiveness is equal to 1 hour. Sit for less than 3 hours in a row every day. Stand in the space of work, squat or lean your body a little on a chair or bed. If necessary, you can take some essential minerals or vitamins.
E.g. .Vitamin D3, Selenium, Magnesium and Iodine.
To get rid of body wastes, you need to drink at least 3 liters of alkaline water per day.
Completely stop eating artificially flavored foods, sugary foods, and water as well as processed meats, off-the-shelf eggs, and fish.
Because farm animals are fed genetically modified organisms that feed on the human body.
Terribly harmful for.
If there is an illness, a ketogenic food plan should be followed. Take at least 1 teaspoon of salt Himalaya Pink Salt daily with different foods. This s contains various minerals that are not present in ordinary marine salt. Regular removal of waste from the body is very important. Because every moment different toxic chemicals are entering the body in different waysRemember that conventional medical systems cannot provide complete recovery. However, the role of conventional medical procedures in only emergency and temporary cases is undeniable.
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